This tool automatically converts your text based on a leetspeak character map. To use this generator, simply write or paste your copied text to convert. The generated text will then be displayed in the second box.
Leetspeak, also known as "1337" or "l33t," is a form of internet slang that originated in the 1980s
on online bulletin board systems. It involves replacing letters with numbers or special characters
to create words that resemble their English counterpart.
Leetspeak is also sometimes referred to as
5P34K," which is leetspeak for "leet speak." The use of leetspeak has declined in recent years, but
is still sometimes used for fun or as a form of online shorthand.
Leetspeak involves replacing letters with numbers or other characters that look similar to the
they are replacing. For example, the letter "e" replaced with the number "3," the letter
replaced with the symbol "4," and the letter "s" replaced with the letter "5."
Leetspeak was originally used as a way to prevent non-technical people from understanding technical
conversations, but it has since evolved and is now used more for fun or to convey a sense of
belonging to a particular online community.
Leetspeak is not a formal language and there are no strict rules for how it should be used.
users may have their own conventions for how they use leetspeak, and the use of leetspeak may vary
depending on the context in which it is being used.
Visit the Wikipedia for more information on leetspeak. KN0W13D63 !5 P0W3R!